Take part in the 15th edition of L’AM TECH DAY,
the European market event dedicated to the impacts of technological innovations on the asset management industry.

AI, problem AND solution for management companies?

Is new operational efficiency possible thanks to AI and generative AI? Can we finally imagine more coherent and safer ESG management? Will management companies have more detailed knowledge of their clients and will the latter benefit from a better vision of their portfolio and its impact? So many hopes have reappeared since the explosion caused by the arrival of ChatGPT last year.
Alongside hope, uncertainty remains about the consequences of this digital revolution. For the moment, it is its cost that asset managers are having difficulty absorbing; so much so that business models are being rethought, when they are not already weakened. Thus, some prefer to choose to sell themselves or to move closer to another group with the particular aim of being able to pool the necessary investments.
AI therefore seems to be the solution AND the problem for the future development of management companies. One of the keys to success lies in the ability of each person to train their teams in the use of new tools and the implementation of new processes.
Ways of working are also changing thanks to blockchain. But for example, what are the real benefits of distributed ledger technology (or DLT)? What can we learn from the first use cases?
Here are some of the topics that will be discussed during AM Tech Day 2024 which will take place on October 8 at the Palais Brongniart in Paris. It is with the ambition to dispel certain doubts and illuminate possible paths in this changing environment that we will offer you conferences and workshops bringing together the best experts, while many asset management companies will come to testify to their ongoing transformation. .
Looking forward to welcoming many of you,
Best regards,
Ludivine Garnaud

The event in figures

 Conferences & workshops 
 TV studio 

Steering Committee

  • Pierre-Etienne AGID, Head of asset owners & managers for France - SECURITIES SERVICES, BNP PARIBAS
  • Yoan CHAZAL, Partner investment management services - DELOITTE
  • Sylvain CREPIN, Partner - DELOITTE
  • Muriel FAURE, President of the Technological Innovations commission,  AFG - Senior Advisor, TIEPOLO
  • Alexandre GARABEDIAN, Editorial Director - L’AGEFI
  • Ludivine GARNAUD, Events Editor – L’AGEFI< /li>
  • Alban JARRY, Independent consultant
  • Vincent LAPADU-HERGUES, Head of Asset Management & R&D support – FINANCE INNOVATION
  • Laurent LUISET, Sales and Development Director - L'AGEFI
  • François ROBIN, Deputy Managing Director - L'AGEFI
  • Stéphanie ROY, Specialized journalist – L’AGEFI< /li>
  • Yann de SAINT-MELEUC, Associate - A2 CONSULTING

Back to the 14th edition

Democratising investment, risk or opportunity?
For its 14th edition, AM Tech Day has chosen to analyze the challenges linked to data management and control, as well as the future impact of generative AI on the asset management industry.
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